Here are some recommended books that may help you in your journey of getting closer to God. We have included Amazon affiliate links which may give us a small percentage of the total cost if you decide to purchase. Thank you for your support!
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Ancient Angels: the Origins of Christmas TRaditions
This is a downloadable E-book we created for you to better understand the Origins of Christmas and its dark roots.
Below are some of our recommended bibles and bible study materials.

NLT Super Giant Print Bible, INDEXED
This paraphrased translation, while less accurate, is easier to read and understand than word-for-word translations. We recommend this one for people struggling to read the Bible.

NIV, KJV, NASB, Amplified, Parallel Bible
This is a good version for extensive side-by-side study to further understand differences between translations. You may discover discrepancies between translations. We do not recommend the NIV translation as a stand alone Bible.

KJV, Amplified, Parallel Bible, Large Print, Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter
This is a good side-by-side that is easy to read. This will help you understand the meanings of difficult text without sacrificing accuracy. This is our favorite everyday reader and also works well as a study Bible.

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
The end all be all of Bible concordances. This book lists every word in the King James Bible cross-referenced with the verses in which they can be found.
Below are some recommended extra-biblical texts.

This is an excellent side-by-side comparison of key parts of Genesis, 1 Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees. Rob Skiba has many great incites on the subject of nephilim, however some of his views on the biblical timeline may be incorrect.

The Septuagint
The Septuagint is sometimes called the “Apostle’s Bible” and the one that Jesus and his disciples would have had access to. It is quoted in the New Testament by writers such as the Apostle Paul, and remained the Scripture of use by the Apostolic Fathers. Some of the books in the Septuagint may be corrupt. We use this translation to cross-reference canonized texts. It also contains interesting verses about giants.

The Apocrypha: Includes the Books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees
A supplemental resource to assist serious researchers in understanding the Bible and Biblical times. This may contain some highly corrupted text and false teachings. Read only with Holy Spirit guidance. You must have an advanced understanding of the Bible before reading this text.

The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English
An English translation of the two hundred longest and most important nonbiblical Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran including the Book of Enoch, the Genesis Apocryphon and many forgotten texts. This further exposes the hidden history of the nephilim and the origin of humankind. You must have an advanced understanding of the Bible before reading this text.

Books of the Ethiopian Bible
Written in Ge’ez, an ancient dead language of Ethiopia, it’s nearly 800 years older than the King James Version and contains over 100 books compared to 66 of the Protestant Bible. This version has been translated into English and includes 20 of the books not included in the Canonized Bible. Some books in this Bible may be corrupt.

The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim
This may give you some deeper understandings about demons and nephilim. However, this is a highly corrupted text. You need the guidance of the Holy Spirit when reading this. You must have an advanced understanding of the Bible before reading this text.
Below are some books we recommend for deliverance, healing and getting to know God more.

They Shall Expel Demons: What You Need to Know about Demons--Your Invisible Enemies
What are demons? How do demons gain entry into people’s lives? Do Christians need deliverance from demons? Spoiler alert – they do. This is a great practical guide on receiving and ministering deliverance.

Pigs in the Parlor: A Practical Guide to Deliverance
Another practical application on the ministry of deliverance.

When Pigs Move In: How To Sweep Clean the Demonic Influences Impacting Your Life and the Lives of Others
Another practical application on the ministry of deliverance. Somewhat of an expansion on Pigs in the Parlor.

Prayers that rout demons
This book contains powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture that will break the powers of darkness and release the blessings and favor of God.

God's Medicine Bottle
This book guides you on how to use God’s Word to restore your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Growing Up Spiritually
Hagin shows where you might be at spiritually and what you need to do to mature in Christ.

The Final Quest
Rick Joyner’s visions about the greatest and last battle between light and darkness.

The Final Quest
Learn to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Historical Reference
Below are some books for researching giants, nephilim, and biblical accounts in relation to todays world.

Where God Came Down: the archaelogical evidence
Using Scripture as his primary ancient text and interpretive tool, author Joel Kramer examines the archaeological record for ten locations recorded in the Bible.

Giants on Record: America's Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files
This book examines GIANT cover-ups initiated by Smithsonian scientists starting in the late 1800s.

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
A great image based resource for discovering the hidden nephilim and coneheads amongst Egyptian hieroglyphics and statues kept away from the common eye. This book does not support the Biblical accounts of nephilim but it is highly evident in the books imagery.

Gulliver's Travels
A fictional writing taken from historical accounts. This book contains mysterious understandings and suspicious connections to hidden phenomenon.
Below is some interesting reading material for things to come.

An Illustrated History of UFOs
A quick refence to the most popular alien, aka nephilim, encounters. This is obviously not factual but details some interesting links between alien and demonic experiences.

Zeitgeist 2025: Countdown to the Secret Destiny of America… The Lost Prophecies of Qumran, and The Return of Old Saturn’s Reign
This is written by a man with deep understanding of Biblical prophecy in relation to the world today.